Functional Medicine
in long island, NY
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Functional Medicine
PDO Lifting Threads are longer and go in the subdermal plane to give lift and support. Ideally, at least 3 threads on each side are recommended for best results.
PDO Smooth Threads are shorter and more superficial. They are ideal for building collagen over 2-3 weeks.
The (PDO) polydioxanone thread is a thin, protein-based thread made for medical use. According to research, PDO relaxes tendons and muscles, while a foreign body reaction stimulates neocollagenesis (new collagen production) by enhancing blood flow. It also stimulates elastin and hyaluronic acid. Both substances are key to maintaining firm, youthful-looking skin.
The Treatment
PDO Smooth Threads
JW/RN: $10 each for 10/ $8 each 20 $5 each 20 or more
Price varies consultation needed
Treatment may not be suitable if:
- You have consumed alcohol or taken anticoagulation medications (we recommend you continue to take your prescribed medications but stop taking complementary supplements such as vitamin D, A and E, evening primrose oil, fish oils, flaxseed oil, magnesium, garlic and Ginkgo Biloba) within the last 24 hours.
- You have taken any anticoagulation medications such as aspirin/heparin/warfarin or have consumed any type of alcohol within 48 hours of treatment. (Please continue taking prescribed medications but stop taking complementary supplements prior to treatment, such as evening primrose oil, vitamin D, A, and E, fish oils, flax seed oil, magnesium, garlic, and Ginkgo Biloba.)
- You have acne, broken skin, or cold sores
- You are currently pregnant or breastfeeding
- You have diabetes, an autoimmune disease, or infection
Before and After
What is a PDO Thread Lift?
How does it work?
Is it safe?
What happens during treatment?
Which areas can be treated?
What results can I expect?
Treatment may not be suitable if:
- You have active acne/broken skin or are prone to cold sores
- You have taken anticoagulation medications such as aspirin/warfarin/heparin or have consumed alcohol within 48 hours of treatment (we advise you to continue taking prescribed medications but stop taking some complimentary supplements such as evening primrose oil, vitamin D,A and E, fish oils, flax seed oil, magnesium, garlic and ginko prior to treatment)
Treatment is not suitable if:
- You are pregnant or breastfeeding
- You have an autoimmune disease, diabetes or infection
Post-Treatment Information
Are there any side effects?
There is minimal downtime and no general anaesthetic risks. The specialised needles allow small areas to be tackled effectively. As there are no incisions, stitches are not required and scarring is unlikely.
The most commonly reported side effects:
Less commonly reported side effects:
- Pain/tenderness
- Thread protrusion, puckering of the skin
- Bleeding/bruising/haematoma
- Infection, granuloma
- Swelling/inflammation
- Migration (cogs)
- Asymmetry
- Facial nerve trauma
- Stinging/scratching/pulling sensations
- Allergic reaction
What are the Pre-Care Instructions?
- You should avoid Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Aleve, Ginkgo Biloba, St. John’s Wort, garlic pills, fish oil, or other anti-inflammatory medications for 1-2 weeks if your primary physician allows it. These medications can cause bruising. Tylenol is recommended for mild pain or headaches.
- Arnica supplements (available at most supplement stores) have decreased bruising when taken two days before your treatment. Arnica will also help with any swelling.
- If you have a history of allergies, anaphylaxis, or other medical conditions, please let us know.
- Ideally, this procedure should be scheduled at least two weeks before an important event. Over the next 2-4 weeks, the effects of a PDO Thread Lift will settle into place; however, any swelling or bruising should have subsided by this time.
What are the Post-Care Instructions?
- Following treatment, most people can resume normal activities immediately. The recovery process will be comfortable, fast, and provide an effective recovery time if all instructions are followed.
- In case of pain/discomfort after treatment, Ibuprofen can be taken if necessary.
- Avoid getting other aesthetic procedures (neurotoxin injections, fillers, peels, etc.) for at least seven days.
- The use of alcohol, extreme temperatures, and anticoagulants should be avoided for 7 days. Aspirin/warfarin users must continue taking their prescribed anticoagulants but should be aware that bruising may occur.
- You should wash the treated area gently as necessary, but refrain from rubbing or massaging it for two weeks.
- During this time, avoid dental treatment if possible (do not stretch or open the mouth wide) for 4 weeks.
- You should not have radio-frequency, IPL, laser, or any other heat treatments within 10 weeks of the treatment.
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